I decided to start this blog while I was pregnant. In fact, Ryan will tell you that I became obsessed with starting one (not true). I had every intention of actually blogging throughout my pregnancy - covering topics such as "How to trick your boss into thinking you are drinking when you don't want her to know you're pregnant yet," "Is it okay to eat blue cheese with my wings?," "The stripping wallpaper and repainting a small master bathroom project that you thought would be done in a weekend really takes your entire third trimester," and "Why don't women wear elastic waist maternity pants ALL the time?" Lucky for you, I am the most technologically challenged person alive and really had no idea how to go about even starting one, so you were spared all the fascinating details of my nine months of sobriety.
Then, when Connor arrived, I intended to start right away so as not to forget any details (and also to avoid the inevitable loooong catch-up post). However, to my surprise, I did not become computer literate while in labor (although it was so long I could have done some reading and taught myself how to do it), and my lack of sleep while getting adjusted to motherhood, coupled with our busy summer schedule so far, got in the way of my best intentions. Now, sweet Connor is almost seven weeks old and, thanks to many helpful hints from Emily Bansner (and, also some of the pictures on this post that I stole from her facebook page), I finally got serious about it.
So, here's a little recap of our first few weeks as a family:
I should start by saying that Ryan's sister Courtney gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Evelyn Breann, on May 18th. We actually had the same due date, and it was nice to have someone to
commiserate with share the joys of pregnancy with. I am so excited that Connor and Evy will grow up together, and I can't wait to see the personalities they will develop. Ryan's birthday was the Sunday after we got home from the hospital, and the cousins met for the first time over birthday dinner at Gramma's house.
First meeting was a little boring. Neither was very talkative.
The following weekend, Ryan's sister Allison & niece Julia and brother Collin & girlfriend Emily came home from Colorado. On Saturday, we all went to the wedding of our friend. It was held at the restaurant his family owns and the food was fantastic.
Crashing his first wedding at 11 days old!
Most well behaved Linn boy at the wedding (seriously).
Allison had organized a party for the day after the wedding for friends and family to "meet the babies." My parents came up for the day and it was nice to introduce Connor to everyone.
Gramma's got her hands full with Connor and Evy!
Nana/GiGi/Grandy (pending poll results) holding the babies
Uncle Collin doing his famous "fish pose" with Connor
It was a very long, very fun weekend. Some of us had more fun than others, but Ryan would kill me if I posted those pictures! By the time Monday rolled around, I was ready to do nothing for a few days. Allison and Julia had the perfect remedy - they came to our house and picked the cherries from the trees along the side of our house (who knew a house in the city would have fruit trees) and took them home and Debbie baked us a pie with the Pioneer Woman's crust recipe (I could devote a whole separate blog to proclaiming my love for her and her recipes).
Connor needed a nap too after the weekend's excitement
We were sad to see Allison and Julia leave to go back to Denver. However, they are moving to Jupiter, Florida, next month, and we can't wait to use them for their sweet vacation spot visit them! On Wednesday of that week, Connor made his first trip to the Lewisburg Farmer's Market. Ryan has off on Wednesdays so we usually use that day to do our grocery shopping and other fun activities. It was a beautiful day. Connor slept the whole time, but Ryan and I enjoyed all the farmer's market goodies, such as homemade soft pretzels and french fries. Afterwards, we went to The Tack Room, where I got my first pair of cowboy boots!
Ready for the farmer's market.
The following weekend was the 100th anniversary celebration for Texas & Blockhouse Fish and Game Club. This club is very special to Ryan's family and they have made many memories there throughout the years. Ryan has been excited for this weekend since he became a member about three years ago. It was extra special because Collin became a member a few weeks before ("just in time for the picture" says Ryan). Collin flew back to PA and Emily made a last-minute decision to join him ("she didn't want to miss being in the picture" says Ryan). On Friday night they had a casual cocktail party with lots of hors o'doeuvres and a spectacular fireworks show. We took Connor with us and he was a big hit. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures or his first trip to Blockhouse (I told you I am terrible with the camera), but I am sure in a few short years you will see lots of pictures of Ryan and Connor in camo and/or with a fish he caught. On Saturday my mom came up to Williamsport to hang out with Connor while we enjoyed the formal 100th anniversary dinner. The food was disappointing but the most important goal was accomplished - we were back row, center stage for the picture!
Dad and two sons, all members. Ryan was hoping to win the best dressed award with his seersucker suit, but Heister pulled a game-changer with his camo tux!
Here's a picture of Connor on Father's Day. Unfortunately, we did not get one of Ryan and Connor together. Ryan made up for it by buying himself an iPad for his Father's Day gift "from Connor."
Things settled down for a little while after the anniversary weekend. We have spent a great deal of time up at Heister's house sitting by the pool.
Ready for his Baywatch audition
Cousins napping in the shade while their bathing beauty moms enjoy the sun
On the last Saturday in June, we had a family picnic at my parents' house in Wyomissing. It was originally supposed to be at my aunt's house in Chambersburg, but her air conditioner quit working that morning and everyone knows Doughertys do not function well in the heat and humidity, so my parents offered to host it at their house. Again, I don't have any pictures, but we had a great time and it was nice to see my extended family and introduce them to Connor. Three days later Connor and I made a return trip to Wyomissing for the 4th of July holiday. I absolutely LOVE Wyomissing on the 4th of July and I couldn't wait to take Connor to his first parade. My mom got him an adorable outfit for the occasion (actually, she got him three outfits. and I made sure he wore all three throughout the day).
All patriotic and ready for the parade
He appears less than impressed by the parade. He'll appreciate it more next year when Aunt Lisa is back in Wyomissing!
Doc holding his grandson for the first time (only took him five weeks). I think that is even a smile on my dad's face, but it may just be gas.
Nothing exciting has really happened since the 4th of July, but I can't believe how big and fast our sweet boy is growing.
One day old
One week old
Four weeks old
Six weeks old
We are really enjoying our little guy. He will be seven weeks old tomorrow. He is starting to be more interactive - smiling and cooing. IWe think he's pretty darn cute and can't believe we get to keep him! The only thing that isn't so fun is the sleeping but we're working on that..He's sleeping about 3 hours at a time through the night - hoping that he'll start going longer stretches SOON! He has his 2 month appointment on August 1st - I can't wait to see how much he has officially grown!
Well, congrats if you've made it to the end of this post. Again, I apologize for the length of this post but now I'm all caught up. I promise to keep it current from now on so that the posts don't get this long!