Friday, February 1, 2013

Long Time No See

Oops, it's been a while, again. Sorry. Honestly, I haven't written because we've been rather boring during January. We had such a busy holiday season and then we got some bad weather and Connor and Ryan were both sick, so we have sort of been laying low the past few weeks. Plus, sometimes I think that my mom is the only one who reads this, and since we got my parents an ipad for Christmas and I can text them pictures and we face time at least once a week, it's not necessary to keep up with the blog. But, then I remember that because I'm not creative or disciplined enough to have a baby book, this blog IS Connor's baby book (and hopefully will be any future Baby Linns baby book), so I have to keep up with it, if for no other reason than having a convenient place to store all the pictures I plan to embarrass them with in their awkward teen years.

So, here's what's been happening in the Linn house lately:

Looking like a little footballer in the sweatshirt we brought back from Ireland.
Connor's become a great eater off the spoon. Finger foods...not so much. We're working on it, but he's not overly interested in Cheerios, puffs, or anything of that texture. This is probably the only time he'll prefer my cooking to anything else so I'll be patient.
We brought the pack 'n play back downstairs and tossed in some of Connor's toys. He loves it, and is content in there for extended periods of time.
Sometimes he plays so hard that he tuckers himself out.
He turned 8 months old this past week and he's still not fully crawling, but he sure can cover a lot of ground by rolling and doing 360s on his belly. I'm convinced he's not crawling because all the ladies at day care hold him all day long because he's so sweet!
Poor little guy was sick for about half of January. He had a combination of cold and cough, and I think his upper teeth are getting ready to break through. He was pretty miserable for a few days. We got some really cold weather and I didn't want to take him out in it while he was sick, so he was all dressed up in the adorable outfit from Gymboree that Nana probably spent all of her reitrement savings on and nowhere to go. Even on the days he felt the worst, he still managed plenty of smiles.
Connor is really starting to LOVE bathtime. He's learned that kicking his legs makes waves and splashes. As my dad said...wait until he learns that farting makes bubbles!
Speaking of Nana and Pop-pop, last weekend Ryan had plans both days so Connor and I took a little road trip to Wyomissing on Saturday morning. We just hung out at the house in the afternoon and then went to church and out to dinner. Connor was awake the whole time in church and slept through dinner - shouldn't it be the other way around?!?! After dinner I took him over to Lisa's house. Her boys were asleep when I got there but Connor, who has "Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Syndrome," kept us company until I left at 11:15, then promptly fell asleep in the car for the approximately 500 yard drive home.
On Wednesday night we went over to Courtney's for dinner. Gramma just got back from her trip to Florida and certainly had her hands full with Connor and Evie!
Connor's learning new tricks every day. He and Ryan were cracking me up last night. I'm still waiting for the day he surprises me with "Mama!"
So, there you have it. I am ready for the weather to get a little warmer and the days to get a little warmer so we can start going for walks outside after work. I bought a pretty nice umbrella stroller to keep in the car for when we go shopping and Connor really seems to enjoy being able to see what's going on in front of him as opposed to being in his infant seat. It works fine for walks around our current neighborhood, as long as I walk in the streets here since the sidewalks are terrible, but it definitely will not work at the new house. I'm definitely going to need to invest in a good jogging stroller when we move because our walks will be through the Christmas tree farms!