Monday, March 30, 2015

January/February 2015

I'm aware that 2015 is already 1/4 over, but I figure as long as I am still writing 2014 on checks, I'm not too far behind! 

In the beginning of January, Sesame Street Live came to the Community Arts Center. Connor LOVES Elmo and the rest of the Sesame Street characters, so even though an event like this (with people dressed up as characters and lots of screaming children) sounds like a nightmare to me, I knew Connor would love it so my sister-in-law got us tickets (about 5 rows from the front). 

All dressed up in the Elmo outfit Nana & Pop-pop got him for Christmas!

This kid loved, and I mean LOVED, the show. He was dancing in the aisle and going nuts. It was really fun to see him enjoy himself, and I loved being able to do something with just Connor. I'm sure as both boys get older they will have many common interests and we will do many fun activities as a family, but at the same time I also look forward to being able to spend one-on-one time with each of them. The show was maybe about 15-20 minutes too long (or maybe should have started about 30 minutes earlier), and it was pretty terrible trying to fight the crowds of cranky kids with their giant balloons and walking to the car in the bitter cold, but it was well worth it. 

Grant is getting so big and continues to be so very sweet.  He was 9 months in January and there's no denying who his father is! 

He is definitely more of a morning person than his brother. This kid wakes up in a good mood every morning and after every nap! He is so funny - sometimes I hear him on the monitor babbling away and entertaining himself for a good 1/2 hour before I go in and get him. 

Don't worry, Ryan lowered the crib mattress immediately after we figured out he could do this!

Towards the end of January, Grant started to crawl. He had been pretty mobile for several weeks before hand, doing the army crawl or rolling to get where he needed/wanted to be, but for some reason the actual crawling took me by surprise. While I know he was well within the normal age range, I just didn't expect it so soon, since Connor was so laid back and didn't really do much crawling until he was closer to a year old. I must say, if I had my choice we'd skip the crawling and go straight to walking if they're going to be mobile. With two dogs, the amount of dog hair that these kids must ingest when crawling probably isn't healthy. 

On the move!

In February, the boys had a Super Bowl party at day care. These photos were taken about five minutes apart. In the first one, Grant has the "oops, I crapped my pants" look on his face; hence the different shirt in the second. Good thing Aunt Lisa loaned me several of her boys' Eagles outfits so we had a backup!

Connor got to go swimming at the YMCA a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure what to expect, as it had been a while since he had been in the pool, but he absolutely loved it! Our Y has all sorts of flotation devices, life jackets, noodles, etc. for kids to use and Connor really had no fear of being in the water. I'm excited for this summer to see how much he enjoys my parents' pool. 

I am happy to report that the boys are still getting along very well. Grant absolutely adores Connor. Everything he does is hilarious (unless Connor is touching his head) and I love to hear the belly laughs from Grant that Connor is able to produce. Aside from a few rare occasions where Connor doesn't want to share attention, or toys, Connor is a very gentle and loving big brother. Perhaps he just knows that in a year or two Grant will probably be bigger than him and able to kick his butt so he is trying to get on his good side. Whatever the reason, I just love watching them interact. 

Can you guess which parent was responsible for getting which child dressed that day?

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was really fun this year because Connor had a better understanding of the concept of Santa and the holiday in general. It still wasn't the "up at 5am and done opening presents by 510am" that I expected, but I guess I shouldn't complain. Those years will arrive soon enough so I appreciated what I'm sure will be the last year I have to wake the kids up!

On Christmas Eve I started telling Connor that we had to leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. So, before I put the boys to bed, we got the treats ready. Connor misunderstood slightly, and before I could stop him, took a bite out of one of the cookies. What can I say - he's just like his mom.

This year, thankfully, I didn't have the train-table-from-hell to assemble so I was able to get to bed at a decent hour. In fact, the most difficult thing to put together this year was the grill set, and I managed to do that the week before while the boys were napping so I was pretty proud of myself.

On Christmas morning, I had hoped to get the generic "kid(s) running down the steps to see what Santa brought" video, but sadly Connor seemed oblivious to the pile of presents under the tree.

Connor was really, really, REALLY excited to see that the cookies and milk were gone. He talked about how "he ate them all" any time he saw an image of Santa for weeks after Christmas. 

Present opening alternated between mass chaos and utter disinterest. Connor was thrilled with everything he opened but then wanted to play with that toy and not open the rest of the presents. Until we gave something to Grant to open...then of course Connor wanted more presents.

About 37 seconds after we finished opening the last present from Santa, my parents arrived with a full car-load of presents. These boys were definitely spoiled this year!