Friday, July 24, 2015


This summer is flying by and we are busy, busy, busy!  Here's some pictures of what we've been up to the first half of the summer:

Memorial Day weekend - we had planned to have a picnic at Ryan's mom's house for the holiday, and she wanted to get something fun and entertaining for the kids. We thought she might get a sprinkler or a ball or something, but instead, she bought this:

Let me in!

They were hot, sweaty, and most importantly, tired at the end of the night!

Texas Blockhouse - We spent a beautiful Sunday morning up at T&B, the hunting and fishing club that Ryan belongs to. We are fully cognizant of the fact that the dogs have taken a bit of a backseat since the kids came along, and we usually decide to do something about it when we notice that more of the kids toys are destroyed by the dogs or we come home from work to find they have eaten all of the mail and two boxes of crackers off of the counters. Every once in a while it is nice to take them up there and let them run loose, swim in the creeks, etc. It is sometimes difficult to find a good weekend, as we don't want to take them up during hunting season lest they be mistaken for a bear or deer (although if you ask Ryan I think he prays for that on a daily basis) and when it is too hot you have to watch out for snakes. So when the weather was nice and cool, we loaded up the kids and the dogs and headed up there. 

Wyomissing - the boys and I went home for a weekend in June.

The maiden voyage of the wagon that my dad restored for the boys. Grant made it about 1/2 way around the block before bailing out, and I was a sweaty mess by the time I pulled Connor the rest of the way. It sure is cute but we'll have to get some padding and seat belts before it is ready for the Wyo 4th of July parade!

Itty Bitty Soccer - I signed Connor up for Itty Bitty Soccer through the YMCA. It is a six week session, once a week on Tuesday nights from 5:15 - 6:00. I thought he would love it, because he loves kicking around the soccer ball (or any ball) in the house, at the playground, etc. It is for 3-5 year olds and I thought that he was fairly athletic and big for his age, so he'd be fine. To be honest, it's not that fun. For him or for me. Since Tuesday is Ryan's night to work late, I always have to take Grant with me. I think part of it has to do with the fact that it is in a big, open gym, and they play basketball on the other half so it is noisy and he has trouble paying attention. Part of it has to do with the fact that he spends all day at school following directions and the open space is too tempting to be confined to one area doing "drills." I also think he's hot, tired, and hungry, and probably just a tad too young to really grasp the concept of organized sports. Most of the 45 minutes is spent with Connor running wildly around the gym, kicking any ball he can find or picking it up and trying to dribble it like a basketball (they have itty bitty basketball but I am not sure I have the energy to sign him up for that this year), and me trying to prevent Grant from having a meltdown in his stroller because he wants to get out and walk/crawl all over the place while at the same time trying to tell Connor to pay attention to the instructor and wait his turn instead of pretty much ruining the drills. A few weeks ago we were having a particularly bad session. Grant was screaming to be put down and Connor wasn't even bothering to pretend he was interested in any organized activity. He was just being a little brat, and when I told him to listen and stop throwing the soccer balls, he started having a major tantrum and throwing the cones, pulling on the soccer net, etc. I was pretty embarrassed and ready to get the heck out of there, so I wrangled Grant into his stroller, which proved to be very difficult because he was violently arching his back to avoid having to go back in it. I tried to nicely ask Connor to walk out with me since it was obvious he wasn't having any fun, and he started kicking and screaming. Somehow I got this weird old man strength, picked him up with one arm and managed to hold his hands down to avoid getting punched in the face by him, and pushed Grant's stroller out with the other hand. Thank God for the one kind soul who actually held the door open for me. Of course it was like 113 degrees and I parked in the farthest possible spot from the door so by the time we got to the car and managed to get both screaming kids loaded up in their seats all three of us sat and cried for a good five minutes! We did go back the following week (much to the eye-rolling dismay of the other parents, probably) and he did a little better, but last week was the last session and I can't say I was disappointed.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Connor is THREE!

It seems like everyone in our little family's birthday is crammed into a 6 week period. Grant's is April 22nd, mine is May 9th, Connor's is May 29th, and Ryan's is June 3rd. No sooner did we finish celebrating Grant's 1st birthday when (in theory) we began planning to celebrate Connor's 3rd birthday. 

Last night as a two year old!

I really want to start the tradition of doing something special with each kid (alone) on his birthday, so this year I had Ryan drop Grant off at school and Connor and I went out on a breakfast date for donuts before I went to work. Every time he is in the car with me and I get coffee, he knows as soon as we round the corner of the building what I am doing and starts repeating over and over and over "can I have some Munchkins. I want vanilla Munchkins," so I thought he would enjoy having a whole donut for a change. We went to Wegmans and I let him pick out what he wanted. I might have allowed his eyes to be bigger than his stomach, as both those donuts were his, and he pretty much just licked the sprinkles off the chocolate one. 

The fact that my birthday, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, and the all-important spring turkey hunting season all occur in the month of May made Connor's birthday party kind of sneak up on us. As I mentioned in Grant's birthday post, I have all sorts of great ideas for parties, and zero creativity/ability/time to pull them off. So, this year we were so busy every weekend in May (I realize this is not going to change next year, or the following year, etc. so I will have to get better about planning in advance - or learn to stay up later at night to get things done!) that I really didn't think about Connor's party until about 4 days before it. I mean, seriously, he's (and the guests) lucky that I remembered to order a sandwich tray and cake. Oops. I was having all sorts of mom-guilt for not having a "theme" party this year, but when Connor saw me decorating with his Dollar Store tablecloth, plates, napkins, balloon motif decorations, he squealed with delight, so I knew his birthday wasn't a total bust. Oh, and the fact that Ryan went and bought him this definitely helped ease any disappointment he may have had:

Three years old and drives a nicer, newer car than his parents!

Just like Daddy's truck!

My parents got him a Kindle Fire and he is already more proficient at it than I am. It is great because I can park him in front of it for a few minutes at the end of the day and I don't have to watch/listen to Thomas the Train or Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. 


I can't believe he's three already. I must say, however, whomever coined the term "terrible twos" is a dumbass and is obviously childless. The twos were a delight. The threes have proven to be a bit of a challenge at times. He is definitely asserting his independence, and there have been plenty of feet stomping, kicking, hitting, screaming temper tantrums. The time out chair has seen plenty of action. But when he's not busy being a jerk he is so sweet and sensitive, and he cracks me up with his little personality and imagination. I think I'll keep him.