Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Weeks Old

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Truth is, we've been pretty boring lately!

Connor is as sweet as ever - still growing like a weed. Hard to believe in ten short weeks he went from this:

to this:

In the past week or so, Connor has started sleeping MUCH better at night. I have been giving him a bath every other night, and he really loves it - always smiling and laughing (but part of that may be laughing AT me after he gets out of the bath when I sing dumb songs I make up about him being wrapped up like a little burrito) and most nights I have him fed and put to bed between 9 and 930. Like I said, this has only been happening for the past week or so, but he has been sleeping straight through until between 330 and 430am!!! The first night it happened, I assumed that it was around 100am when I heard him crying and was shocked to look at the clock and see it was 334! The second night, I woke up around the time he had normally been getting up for the first time and pretty much waited for him to cry. When it didn't happen, I debated going to check on him to make sure he was still breathing (I didn't, does that make me a bad mom?) because this new sleeping pattern came on so suddenly - it seems like overnight he went from sleeping only 3 or 4 hours at a time to sleeping 6 or 7! I'm hoping that I didn't jynx anything and that this will continue - not only for myself - I feel like a much better (happier/more patient) mom now that I'm getting a little bit more sleep, but also for my mother-in-law, who will be less likely to drop Connor off at the orphanage mid-week while we're in Ireland if she is able to get a good night's sleep!

Yesterday I met Adrianne for breakfast, as she wanted to discuss some work stuff (which really means we spent 1 hr. 45 mins. shooting the breeze and 15 mins talking about work) so Ryan and Baby Linn got to spend some quality time together. Ryan decided to have a little photo shoot, and these are two of my favorites:

Good thing he got my good looks (just kidding) and not his father's late high-school/early college look (although I'm sure Connor will develop a natural affinity for camo too - I can deal with that. The Amish/Unabomber beard...not so much):

That's about all I have for Connor updates this week. I told you we were boring! We have a busy weekend coming up though, so hopefully my next post will be more exciting!

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