Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby!

Connor turned a year old on May 29th. This past year has just flown by - but what an incredible year it has been! We celebrated his birthday with a little party on Saturday, May 25th. We had a baseball/Phillies theme. I had hoped to be in our new house by this time, and had everything planned out in my mind, from baseball themed food, cupcakes, party games, decorations, etc. Sadly, I'm much more creative in my head than I am in practice, so his party wasn't as grandiose as I imagined it. Oh well, we still had a good time. I was thrilled with the way the invitations turned out. I ordered them from and they were so adorable:

I also ordered this adorable onesie from Etsy for his party. In keeping with the Phillies theme, Ryan and I both wore our favorite Phillies shirts.

We got Connor a little smash cupcake so that he wouldn't be ruining everyone else's cake. I wasn't too sure how he'd handle it. He doesn't really love getting his hands messy. Everyone pretty much had to whisper the happy birthday song because for some reason whenever you cheer for Connor and say "yaaay!" he gets so upset. He scrunches up his little nose and these big crocodile tears start to fall. It is heartbreaking and hilarous at the same time.

I walked away for 2 seconds and my dad pretty much fed him the entire cupcale.

Connor got to celebrate again on his actual birthday. It fell on a Wednesday, which was nice because Ryan had the day off and I took a vacation day so we got to spend the day together. We took a ride to the Lewisburg Farmers' Market and stopped at the Purple Cow and got Connor some ice cream on the way home. Later we enjoyed some time on the porch and he got to eat some more cake after dinner.

Seems to be getting the hang of it. I hope he doesn't think this is going to be an every day occurrence.

Overall it was a great couple of days celebrating Connor's birthday. What a year it has been. It has been so fun to watch him grow and develop his little personality. He can say "Mama" and has recently learned the "B" and "Y" sounds so he can say "Baba" and "Yaya." He is not walking yet, but I believe it will be any day now. He has at least 8 teeth and the most infectious laugh I have ever heard. He is such a laid back and content little guy. He is a great sleeper - goes to bed around 8pm without any problems and sleeps through the night until around 7am, sometimes later on the weekends when we don't have to be at work. He is eating some table food and learning to drink from a sippy cup. He can wave and he loves to go for walks. We are so lucky to be his parents and can't wait for more adventures this coming year!

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