Saturday, September 28, 2013

15 Month Stats and Fun Facts

Connor had his 15 month checkup earlier this month. He is growing like a weed! Here are his stats:
  • He is 32 inches (he grew 2.25 inches in 3 months and 11.5 inches since birth) which puts him in the 72%
  • He weighs 23 lbs. 2 ozs. (gained 9 ozs. in 3 months and 14 lbs. 6 ozs since birth) which puts him in the 27%
  • His head circumference is 18.5 inches, which puts him in the 42%
Overall, he is doing great! He seems a little skinny, but I think it is because he had a major growth spurt since his last appointment. His physician assistant didn't seem concerned. Actually, in the few weeks since his appointment, Connor's developed quite an appetite and seems to be filling out quite nicely.

A few fun facts about Connor at 15 months:
  • He finally learned to walk on his own! He was a late crawler, so I was not surprised that he took his sweet time learning to walk. Actually, for months now he's been able to walk really well holding on to furniture or a hand, but was just never confident enough to do it on his own. Everyone told me to count my blessings, but with two dogs and making it hard to keep the floors clean, I was more than ready for him to be done the crawling. It seems like all of a sudden one day he just decided he was over it too.
  • Connor is doing much better drinking from a sippy cup. I would have liked to have him completely off the bottle by now, but I made the mistake one morning of trying to give him a sippy cup of milk instead of his usual bottle and He. Was. Pissed. I mean, inconsolable. Ruined his whole day and stressed me out - and I already find it stressful enough to get showered, dressed, looking somewhat presentable, get Connor up, dressed, fed, and dropped off at daycare and at work on time (give or take five minutes). So, we're going to have to work on that.
  • Connor's become quite a good eater. Some of his favorite foods are chicken nuggets, steak, grilled cheese, pineapples, pears, waffles, and oatmeal. And he goes nuts for french fries. He is not at all interested in any kind of pasta and I find it difficult to get him to eat vegetables with his fingers (although at daycare he does it with no problems) but he will still eat the pureed vegetables with no problem for me. He is in the process of learning to feed himself. He's still pretty lazy and likes me to do it for him, but it's a start. Breakfast, as if it wasn't already stressful enough, just got a little longer and a whole lot messier:
  • He is really developing quite a little personality. He waves when someone says "hi" or "bye" to him; in addition to "mama" and "dada" he can say "bye-bye," "ball," "more," and he mimics every sound we make like a little crow; his favorite toys are balls (and he's got quite an arm already) and cars (we went to Julie's for a game a few weeks ago and she let him play with some of her son's matchbox cars and he loved them so much we had to go out and buy a few the next day).
  • He is an excellent sleeper. He goes to bed without any fuss between 730 and 800 and sleeps through the night. On the weekends he takes 1 nap, usually between 3 and 4 hours long. At daycare, I'm told he does great sleeping on his little mat during naptime and usually sleeps between 2-2.5 hours.
  • He is, 90% of the time, the most pleasant little boy. He is such a joy to be around, and warms my heart with his giggles and smiles and funny antics. He is a bit of a mama's boy, which is just fine with me!

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