Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cure for the Common Cold

Oh RELAX. It's not what you think. One year ago today our little adventure began. It was a Monday morning. I took the test, saw the results, and figured I'd better tell Ryan. It was approximately 6:45am. Our exchange went something like this:

Me (texting him the picture above): Don't freak out
Ryan: Are you joking?
Me: Nope, guess I better call the doctor to get a real test.
Ryan: No beers for you this weekend, I guess.

While it wasn't exactly a surprise, I think both of us were a bit in denial. Even though we were excited and nervous, it didn't quite seem real at that point. In fact, for me it only started to seem real when I had my first ultrasound at 11 weeks. He wasn't kidding about the no beers for me that weekend though - we had plans to go to Pittsburgh with Julie (my boss) and Donald to see the ND vs. Pitt game. I felt very strongly about not telling anyone until I had a doctor's appointment, so all week at work I worried about how I was going to get around not drinking while tailgating. My solutions: (1) volunteer to drive our car. Told Ryan if he drove to Pittsburgh, I'd drive home (big mistake. It was a loooong drive home in the dark in a car with three people who had been drinking all day), (2) offer to pack the cooler - Julie and I both share a love of Tanqueray so I decided that it would be easier to pretend to make T&Ts than fake drinking beers. Only problem was that I had to make the bottle go down somehow to make it look like I was also drinking, so poor Julie ended up getting twice as much Tanqueray in each drink. I actually did that twice to her in the early days of my pregnancy, and I still don't think she's completely forgiven me. Anyway, this time last year I couldn't even imagine how much our lives would be changed in one short year. I'm not one to get overly sappy, just feeling especially thankful for my many blessings today.

Too bad Connor wasn't in the mood to celebrate with us. As I mentioned in my last post, the poor little came home with a nasty cold yesterday and had a pretty rough night. He was just so stuffed up and couldn't breath. I broke out the bulb syringe. It wasn't pretty. I felt like I was torturing him. Probably was, because the first time I did it, I didn't use it correctly and actually blew the air up his nose instead of suctioning it out! Thank God for Youtube instructional videos! Anyway, saying Baby Linn and I did not sleep well last night would be an understatement. I just felt so sorry for him - it broke my heart to see him so uncomfortable. I was glad Ryan had off today so he could get a break for a day from daycare. He had to take him to his office while they installed a new server, and he said he was an angel...slept most of the time. When I got home from work I realized I had saline drops so I put some of those up his nose (another fun experience) and used the bulb again (correctly this time, though there were no less tears from Connor). I think he's feeling a little better, but I'm looking forward to the weekend when we can relax.

Sick little boys get to stay in their jammies all day!
While I was up with Connor last night, I entertained myself by browsing one of the funniest websites I've ever seen: I can't wait to submit pictures of my dogs when they misbehave!
Here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!  

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