Monday, September 10, 2012


Somebody got a new toy this weekend! Perhaps we felt guilty for leaving him for a week, but Connor got the Cadillac of jumperoos.
He was a little unsure when we first put him in, especially since he is still just a little too short. I think it may have been a bit of sensory overload at first, but he's been in it a few more times since then and is starting to get the hang of it. Since he doesn't seem to enjoy the swing anymore, we're hoping that this might entertain him for a while. I'm starting to get hives thinking about all the giant plastic baby toys that are starting to overtake our house, but he sure looks cute in it!
I fully intend to post about our trip to Ireland, but this past weekend I was still too jet-lagged to go through all the pictures and try to recap all our adventures. Plus, since I went back to work today, I wanted to relax and spend as much time cuddling with Baby Linn as possible this weekend. I promise I'll eventually get around to it, but it might have to be spread out over a few posts. 

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