Saturday, October 25, 2014

Back to Work

While my maternity leave officially ended on July 21st, I was lucky enough to be able to spend 5 weeks at home working on a new edition of the Pennsylvania Trust Guide, which was originally written by the two partners in my firm back in 2008/2009. It is basically a handbook for legal professionals and trustees who administer trusts, and I'm not sure why they trust me to work on something that is actually supposed to be an instruction manual, but I contributed to the 2nd edition and annual supplements every year since I've worked here and this year I got to co-author the 3rd edition. Anyway, it was wonderful for me because I got to keep Grant home with me for an extra few weeks and was able to make my own schedule for working on it (I definitely worked some odd hours).

...But, all good things must come to an end and right after Labor Day I went back to the office full time. It was bittersweet - I loved being home with Grant this summer and the extra time I got to spend with Connor when I was able to pick him up a little early, but I really did miss the adult interaction, the challenges, and the routine of my office. It's a struggle that I'm sure every working mother faces. So, on the morning of September 2nd, Ryan and I loaded up the car and I dropped BOTH my boys off at daycare. 

Don't tell Grant, but I didn't get nearly as emotional as I did the first day I dropped Connor off, and I'm sure it has to do with the fact that (1) I knew from experience that he was in great hands and would be well taken care of and (2) I was carrying so many bags filled with diapers, wipes, bottles, etc. in addition to Grant's car seat that I was sweating profusely and couldn't stop thinking about how excited I was to have everyone and everything in order with enough time left to go get an iced coffee at DD before I had to be at work! 

My first day back at the office was good. It was nice to see everyone and get back in the swing of things, but I really couldn't wait until it was time to go get the boys. 

I survived my first day back in the office and Grant survived his first day of daycare. Can you tell we missed each other?

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