- He weighs 19 lbs. 12 ozs. and is in the 84% (he has gained 11 lbs. 15 oz. since birth)
- He is 28" and is in the 94% (he has grown 7 3/4" since birth)
He is growing beautifully and hitting milestones as expected/appropriate for his age. He is quite "talkative" and is starting to imitate sounds. He can pass a toy from one hand to the other. He can't sit up unassisted yet, but does have very good head and neck strength, so I'm thinking it won't be long until he can do this. He started solids a few weeks ago and, no surprise here, LOVES to eat. I remember with Connor it was very challenging and very messy in the beginning. Not with this kid. I can't shovel it in fast enough. So far I've made sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and peas in addition to the rice cereal and oatmeal. I think the next things we'll try will be beets, green beans, and avocados. I want to get him well established on the veggies before I give him the fruits, but something tells me he will eat whatever I put in front of him, whenever. He already has two teeth on the bottom and is a fairly consistent thumb sucker. He loves being in the bumbo seat, the jumperoo, and still likes to be worn in the ErgoBaby. He is so pleasant and greets me every morning with a smile, but his best smiles come when Connor is playing around him.
Now that Connor is over 2 years old, he only has to go to the doctor once a year, so his last visit was in June. I don't remember his exact percentages, but I know that he was 36" and weighed 30 lbs, and was somewhere around the 60th percentile for both height and weight. Connor has really developed his own little personality in the past few months. He is sweet and stubborn at the same time; he is funny and he knows it; and he is quite smart (I owe most of that to the daycare workers). He knows his ABCs, can count to about 14, knows the words to about 6 or 7 nursery rhymes and songs (The Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Ring Around the Rosie, Old McDonald, and several others - we are still working on the ND fight song), and is so polite (almost always says please/thank you without being prompted, and also says "bless you," "excuse me," and "I'm sorry"). We are currently going through the "what's that" and "why" phase and I love it. It is almost as if you can see/hear the wheels turning in his head. He's so inquisitive, and remembers everything you say and everything he sees. Every day I am amazed by him!
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